lunes, 20 de abril de 2020


Our planet is an amazing place, but it needs our help every day.

Each year on April 22, more than a billion people celebrate Earth Day to protect the planet
from things like pollution and deforestation, and remind people that we must look after our home.

So we are going to think about how to STAY AT HOME has positive effects on our planet and for humans. 



First, watch these videos, please (Visualizar videos)

Second, think about the positive effects on people, animals, environments and the planet


Third, write ideas of the positive effects on nature on a draft paper. 

                 Example: "Animals are not scared of humans and they feel safe and free."

(Escribir en un papel a sucio los efectos positivos para la naturaleza y para nosotros.)


Finally, make a project on a blank paper or card writing these ideas, drawing, clouring and decorating as beautiful as you can. You can use all that you like. Be creative and enjoy !!! 

(Ahora, hazlo bonito como ya sabes en un folio o cartulina si tienes. Escribe los efectos positivos dibujando, coloreando, pegando fotos si puedes. Como quieras, sé creativo!!!)


If you need, you can use the dictionary on paper or online: (usa el diccionario, cuida el spelling)






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