lunes, 4 de mayo de 2020


Good morning everyone!
We start this new month with A SPEAKING ACTIVITY  "SHOW AND TELL"
Ramsgate Arts Primary School

First, choose an object to show and tell on the Tuesday or Thursday speaking class.
It can be anything: your favourite game or toy,  an art or craft, a book, a pet, a picture, etc.
Then, write some notes about it:   

- What does it look like? colour, shape, size:  
        It's a medium-size and black and white box.
- What is it made of? It's made of cardboard and plastic.
- How long have you had it for?
               I bought it seven years ago
               My father gave it to me when I was 3 years old.
-Where did you buy it?
- Why is it your favourite? 
             I love it because it makes me feel happy
             Because it's funny.
- What do you do with it? 
- What is it used for?  It is used for sleeping.
   It is used for playing twice a week and the game is....
- Who do you play with? When do you play with it? 
How many pages has it got? ( books)
All the information about it and the story of the object.
After, you will have to present it on Tuesday or Thursday.
Finally, send me a photo of your writing about it.

No se trata de escribir y leer, sino de enseñar el objeto escogido y hablar sobre él y si se necesita, utilizad el papel para recordar datos y luego a limpio, enviarme la foto del escrito.

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